Instalar makemkv del repositorio de debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt install makemkv
makemkvcon mkv iso:Vaiana.iso all /home/sduro/sharefolder/movies/iso
Script para convertir ISO to MKV
#!/bin/bash function listar(){ lista_iso=$(ls *.iso) renombrar } #Funcion renombrar ficheros function renombrar(){ for files in $lista_iso do echo "Encriptando: ${files::-4}" encript done } function encript(){ makemkvcon --minlength="3600" -r --decrypt --directio=true mkv iso:$files all /home/sduro/usbhd/movies/ mkv_convertido=$(ls *00.mkv) echo "Renombrando." mv $mkv_convertido "${files::-4}.mkv" } listar
Mount iso in linux
sudo mount fichero.iso ./folder/
Ubuntu PPAs
The following instructions are for Ubuntu. They may also work on other deb
-compatible distributions. For other Linux, please compile from the official source code.
From the command line, add the <a href="">official releases PPA</a> to your system.<br><code>sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases </code><br><code>sudo apt-get update</code>
If you prefer HandBrake’s nightly builds, add the official git-snapshots PPA.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-git-snapshots
sudo apt-get update
Install HandBrake.sudo apt-get install handbrake-cli handbrake-gtk
Run HandBrakeCLI
to use HandBrake on the command line.
Run ghb
to launch HandBrake’s graphical user interface. You may wish to right-click on the icon and select “Lock to Launcher” for easy access in the future.